Red Hill

Red Hill, Australian Capital Territory, 2603

  ranked 14 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Aggregate Data of Red Hill
Postal code: 2603 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 9.1, ranked 14 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Population: 3249, ranked 46 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Measurement: 4.8486 km2 , ranked 31 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Population density: 670.09 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 5.9 km
Average level of education: 11.42 years , ranked 45 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median yearly personal income: 49608 AUD , ranked 40 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly personal income: 954 AUD , ranked 40 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly family income: 3002 AUD , ranked 3 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly household income: 2504 AUD , ranked 17 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Red Hill suburbs nearby
Griffith 2603
Garran 2605
Forrest 2603
Deakin 2600
Narrabundah 2604
Kingston 2604
Hughes 2605
Phillip 2606
Parkes 2600
Updated: 2019-05-01 13:43:26